
Is refer to as giving instruction, advice and direction to a user to enhance the experience of the product. Tips are usually small instruction that allows the user to explore more functions and feature of a product. These features are usually hidden in plain sight or the users does not have a clue that the product could perform such features. Read More ...

add image signature mac

How to Add Image to Email Signature in Mail App on Mac

The Mail app that Apple includes in their operating systems is quite an all-star. People who need a mail client able to handle emails...
cannot connect to itunes

How to Fix Cannot Connect to iTunes Store Error

iTunes Store is usually always connected when an Apple device is connected to the internet; however there are times when iTunes Store would show...
remove creative cloud mac

How to Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud from Mac

For the creative professionals, Adobe programs offer the best output – figuratively. It depends what the creative professional is up to; however for people...
disable siri on mac

How to Disable Siri & Remove it from Menu Bar on Mac OS

Siri is an intelligent voice assistant for Apple devices. Beginning initially with the iPhone 4S, the artificial intelligence based assistant now makes it to...
iphone alarm

Here’s Why the iPhone Snooze Button is set at 9 Minutes by Default

It can make a significant difference in morning time, but for iPhone users, 9 minutes is the allocated snooze time, unless they press the...
send pdf from iphone

How to Save Webpage as PDF to iBooks on iPhone & iPad

Ever since the smartphones and tablets started becoming widely available, people have made these devices their primary internet surfing device. Because an iPhone is...
report imessage spam

How to Report iMessage Spam to Apple

It may happen that your contact details may end up in an unwanted place, and you begin receiving annoying iMessages spam from companies, or...
bypass lock screen

iOS 10.2 / 10.1.1 Lock Screen Bypass Provides Full Access

Apple makes efforts consistently to keep iOS secure, and it closes security holes quick as well as send out iOS updates to ensure iDevice...
announce calls iphone

How to Make iPhone Speak Number or Name of Caller

iOS 10 has a lot of features, but you might have missed out on an intriguing one. It’s known as “Announce Calls”, and it...
find nearby pokemon

How to Find Nearby Pokemon in Pokémon Go for iPhone

We’d be surprised if you don’t know how successful Pokemon Go has become. Fans just can’t get enough of this Augmented Reality game. Who...
disable spell check

How to Turn off Spell Check on iPhone or iPad

Although the assumptions are pretty smart, yet auto correction of texts in any smartphone can be severely annoying. Especially if you use an iPhone...
disable youtube autoplay

How to Turn off YouTube Autoplay on iPhone, iPad or Web

Videos on YouTube are auto-played per search history. Therefore, a user doesn’t need to tell what to play next. The entertainment app also sometimes...
safe mode macbook

How to Boot Mac in Safe Mode – Why & When to Use it

Mac computers are built in such a way, they would work perfectly most of the times. No hiccups, no glitches – visibly a Mac...
print photos from iphone

How to Print Photos from iPhone Directly

Photography these days are becoming more reliant on smartphones. The phones have much better cameras these days, at the same time the pricing goes...
ds store file mac

What is .DS_Store File on Mac OS X & How to Remove it

Although the user-level representation of Mac OS is actually simple, the processes underneath in fact still have the same complex levels of Unix operability....
Secure Empty Trash mac

How to Secure Empty Trash to Erase files in Mac OS X

File deletion is natural. Being a computer user, everyone stores their necessary data on a computer and whenever necessary, the file’s been sent to...
improve battery ios

How to Improve Battery Life on iOS 10 iPhone

We all know battery life issues on iDevices. A power-thirsty app, an annoying bug, and something similar could kill the battery life in advance....
add music to snapchat

How to Add Music to Snapchat Snaps on iPhone or iPad

Snapchat’s growth continues to make rounds. People are using it to send temporary images, but most are using the “Stories” features. Those who are...
disable voicemail ios

How to Turn off Voicemail on iPhone

Voice mail service is very useful for busy persons who receive plenty of calls a day, and few of them have to be left...
refresh mail mac

How to Manually Refresh / Check for Email in Mac Mail App

The Mail app in Mac platform is almost like Microsoft Outlook, it’s a centralized emailing app where people can keep all their accounts logged...